Thursday 7 May 2015

Product Rebranding

Product that I choose for rebranding is "Jacker" by Oriental Food Industries Shd Bhd.
I choose Jacker because the the Jacker  not quite popular for some type of people.

I choose the 60g canister packaging because the packaging quite compact for a grab and go size canister potato chips canister.

I also redesign the original logo which is a type of logotype.

 Original Logo:

Redesign Logo:

Original Packaging:

rebranding product :

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Task 4: Creating stationery mockup for our logo

This is stationery mock up for my "company". I name it Tempo because it is a headphone company.

Here a few sketches for my company logo:

Final results :

I choose turqoise because is consist of green and blue. Green represent the sound of natures and
blue represent the sound of the oceans.

Saturday 7 February 2015

Task 1

VAIO Corporation (standing for Visual Audio Intelligent Organizer) is a manufacturer of personal computers  . Vaio was originally a brand of Sony Corporation, introduced in 1996. Sony sold its PC business to the investment firm Japan Industrial Partners in February 2014 as part of a restructuring of the corporation to focus on mobile devices. Sony maintains a minority stake in the new, independent company, which currently sells computers only in Japan.

The hidden in the logo:

Sony’s Vaio line stands out for its great design, and its logo is no exception: The V and the A represent an analog symbol, and the I and O represent the 1 and 0 of binary code.
