Thursday 7 May 2015

Product Rebranding

Product that I choose for rebranding is "Jacker" by Oriental Food Industries Shd Bhd.
I choose Jacker because the the Jacker  not quite popular for some type of people.

I choose the 60g canister packaging because the packaging quite compact for a grab and go size canister potato chips canister.

I also redesign the original logo which is a type of logotype.

 Original Logo:

Redesign Logo:

Original Packaging:

rebranding product :

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Task 4: Creating stationery mockup for our logo

This is stationery mock up for my "company". I name it Tempo because it is a headphone company.

Here a few sketches for my company logo:

Final results :

I choose turqoise because is consist of green and blue. Green represent the sound of natures and
blue represent the sound of the oceans.

Saturday 7 February 2015

Task 1

VAIO Corporation (standing for Visual Audio Intelligent Organizer) is a manufacturer of personal computers  . Vaio was originally a brand of Sony Corporation, introduced in 1996. Sony sold its PC business to the investment firm Japan Industrial Partners in February 2014 as part of a restructuring of the corporation to focus on mobile devices. Sony maintains a minority stake in the new, independent company, which currently sells computers only in Japan.

The hidden in the logo:

Sony’s Vaio line stands out for its great design, and its logo is no exception: The V and the A represent an analog symbol, and the I and O represent the 1 and 0 of binary code.


Saturday 27 December 2014

Semester 2 Final Project (Pop Up Book)

For Graphic Design Class, we do pop up book as final project this is the my project result.

I make a book about guides to surviving zombie apocalypse and
I titled it
"Zombies Apocalypse Survival Guides"

"Mistype the title. lol"

"Know your enemy" How zombies works and how to zombies

"Find the food source" 

"Find a safe place" to hide and protect yourself

What you should bring and should always be with you

Find the weapon that suit you well 

Have this happy potato 


Tuesday 23 December 2014

Semester 2 Final Project (Colour and Pen)

The task is about poster by combination of poster colour and drawing pen. This is the process of my final project.

I painted the poster with poster colour first. The technique that I use is splashing and straw blown it.

Then, I start highlighting the line with drawing pen

I start putting line inside those letters

The last thing I do is the cross hatching and this is the result, I named it :

 "The Freaking Majestic Astronaut"

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Colour Temperature

There are 6 colours in each  warm and cold colours in colour temperature

Warm Colours

Warm colours consisting Red Violet, Red, Red Orange, Orange, Yellow Orange, and Yellow

Cold Colours

Cold colours consisting Violet, Violet Blue, , Blue, Blue Green, Green, and Yellow Green